Cypress Isles
Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Board of Directors Meeting
September 16, 2008
Office of Exit Real Estate
11555 Lake Underhill Road


1. Call to Order - The meeting was called to order at 6:34 P.M.

2. Certify Quorum - The board members present were John Tenney, Ron Wiley, Myron Davis, Harold Engold and Cookie Symons. Absent were Bob Hopper and Dennis Horazak. A quorum was present. Also present was Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Sandy Horazak

3. Proof of Notice: Proof of notice was given.

4. Adoption of Agenda: One correction was made to the agenda under 10, D to read: Discussion concerning property management companies. Ron Wiley made a motion to accept the agenda with one correction. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

5. Approval of July 15, 2008 Minutes: John Tenney made a motion to accept the July 15, 2008 minutes as is. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

6. Reports of Officers

A. Treasurer's Report: Myron Davis went over the aged Owner balances with the board. He then volunteered to either visit or send a letter to lots 42,70 & 137 regarding past due assessments. The board agreed to not take action on these accounts for 30 days.

Ron Wiley made a motion for the manager to send a "cash free retainer for collection services only" letter from Fisher Law firm for their consideration. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried.
Action item: The board requested the manager to send them a copy via e-mail of the attorney's response letter for the Figueroa mortgage foreclosure from the August attorney bill.

7. Reports of Committees

A. Architectural Review Committee: Cookie Symons reported there were one approval and one pending application.

1. Violations: The board agreed to have the management company send the violation report to them but hold the violation letters for 7 days before sending them.
2. The board requested the manager to call parking enforcement for 806 Spring Island Way for parking a commercial vehicle in community.
3. 806 Spring Island Way: John Tenney will contact owner about his boat being stored in the driveway.
4. The board set a policy that after 3 violation letters for the same issue are sent to a homeowner, that issue needs to go before the board for action.

B. Grounds Maintenance Committee: Ron Wiley reported that the landscaper will credit the HOA for removal of the annuals at the front without permission. Ron requested the manager to call Lake Masters about cleaning the aquatic weeds from in front of the storm drain pipes in the retention ponds and report her findings afterward. Timers for wall lights have been set to go off at 3 a.m. to save on electrical cost.

C. COPS Committee: Harold Engold gave his report on the COPS meeting held at his home on Aug. 20. He was pleased that the resident turnout was good; several applications have been received, and the program will move forward.

D. Neighborhood Watch: Sandy Horazak reported 3 recent incidents in the community.

E. Newsletter: Editor Sandy Horazak reminded the board that the deadline for the next issue is November 1st. She asked the board to come up with a date for the Holiday Lighting Contest judging; December 14th was agreed upon by all and the date will be announced in the November newsletter.

8. Report of the Association Manager: The manager, Judith Meldrum, read her report. HOA is still under budget.

9. Unfinished Business

A. Proposed amendments to comply with Florida Statutes: John Tenney made a motion to table this item. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

10. New Business

A. 2009 Budget: Cookie Symons made a motion to approve the 2009 proposed budget. Ron Wiley seconded the motion and the motion was carried. The approved budget is attached to these minutes.

B. Paperless Meetings: Ron Wiley made a motion for the board meetings to be paperless. Harold Engold seconded the motion and the motion was carried. This means that the community manager will continue to email all the necessary meeting reports to the directors, but will no longer supply paper copies at the meetings. Each board director is responsible for making his/her own copies to bring to the meetings. The Secretary of the HOA will be responsible for supplying extra copies of the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, financial summary, and manager's report for attending homeowners, either by making copies himself, or delegating to other directors in his absence

C. Abandoned Property Maintenance: John Tenney made a motion to amend the motion made by Dennis Horazak to read as follows:
" I move that Waterford Lakes Tract N-25A Neighborhood Association, Inc. (Cypress Isles) cut and trim the overgrown grass in the front yard of abandoned properties, provided that:

1. The Association has documented evidence that the property is abandoned and neglected; and
2. The appearance of the front yard landscaping warrants an "unsightly growth" violation."

Ron Wiley seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

John Tenney made a motion that the entry for fees accrued be made on accounts for properties that the HOA paid to maintain. Cookie Symons seconded the motion and the motion was carried.

D. Discussion regarding other property management companies

11. Announcements- Next meeting will be November 18th.


12. Adjournment - The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M.